Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Ruth Challenge

   Last week, after reading a passage in my Bible about Ruth, I decided to try to practice obedience. I decided to call it the "Ruth Challenge". I confess, obedience with a good attitude is not as easy as I thought. I could obey my parents and those in authority over me quite easily! However, when it comes to adjusting my attitude, that is very difficult. However, obedience and submitting with a willing attitude were not all the things I learned last week. Throughout this last week, I really focused on having a good attitude as I went about my work. Each morning, I would ask God to give me an obedient spirit. It seemed rather impossible the first few days; at every turn, or whenever my Mom would ask me to do something, it seemed so much harder than usual. I would ask myself, "why on Earth is this so difficult?" Truthfully, I was constantly tormented by feelings of frustration and defiance. I didn't want to feel upset while I submitted, I wanted to be joyful! I truly believe that some sort of spiritual battle was being raged inside me.
   However, I didn't want this week to end in failure. By the grace of God (I couldn't have done it without Him) I resisted the devil. And just as it says in James 4:7, eventually, the devil did flee from me. To be sure, I did make mistakes along the way, but I did not exercise or cultivate these sinful feelings.When I decided that I was not going to conform to his ways, the devil had enough with me.
   Readers, I want to encourage you today. I'm sure that some of you are going through spiritual hardships right now, and it seems like no matter how hard you try, bad thoughts creep into your mind and then exit through your actions. Keep pressing on. Keep fighting the good fight. Do not follow your heart, because your heart is deceitflly wicked and will want to lash out at others. Most importantly, cry out to Jesus! Ask God for help! God will be faithful, and He will help you overcome.
   If you didn't do the "Ruth Challenge" last week, I highly encourage you to try it this week. It will be difficult, but if you do not listen to the often appealing voice of Satan, he will depart from you. Please leave a comment and let me know how you did after you complete it :) Know that I will keep you lifted in prayer. God bless you, my dear readers!

"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." - James 4:7

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