Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Newest Lego Creation

   My 11-year-old brother Robert is a builder. God gave him the most creative, mathematical, and detailed mind I have ever seen in someone his age. Every time he proudly presents one of his newest lego creations to the family, we are always amazed by his remarkable talent and skill for constructing things. One of my favorite designs of his is pictured above. Being a musician, I found a very unique appreciation for this piece. The intricate details on the violinist and cellist are truly amazing to examine. A couple weeks ago, he presented this to our violin instructor and she was completely awed by his work. I can't wait to see how God uses his incredible mind :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! At first, i thought it was a star wars thing, but then i read your post and figured out what it was. God HAS given Robert a brilliant mind in the way of creativity. -Sarah
